Updates 2019HomeUpdates 2017
Updates 2018
4 - 1 - 2018
New model car page added; updates in section Steed's cars - Bentleys and Fanart
1 - 2 - 2018
Information about the rebuilding of John Steed's Jaguar from TNA
6 - 2 - 2018
New information added on page Steed's Stud
17 - 2 - 2018
Updates on the Bentley pages; new page added: Bentley episodes
18 - 2 - 2018
New information about the filming locations for Steed's Stud, Fulmer Hall and Binfield Manor on page Steed's Stud
28 - 2 - 2018
Photos of the Corgi Classic 00101 added; new information about the Jaguar model cars added in section Model Cars
16 - 3 - 2018
New photos and a newspaper article about  Steed's Bentley UW 4887
17 - 3 - 2018
Updates on page Steed's Bentleys and Collectible Steed
14 - 4 - 2018
New information about Steed's first Rolls Royce added.
10 - 6 - 2018
New photos of Steed's Bentleys YK - 6871 and YT-3942
20- 7-2018
Collectible Steed - new page about a selfmade action figure; small corrections on Steed's Identity Cards
28 - 7 -2018
Updates in section Fanart, new fanart page added
11 - 8 -2018
New information about Steed's Rolls Royce from series 1 added, new identitly/ priority card added on page Biography - Identity
and Security Cards
20 - 9 - 2018
Updates on pages Collectible Steed - Action Figures and The Avengers audiobooks
18 - 11 - 2018
New page in section Fanart; update on page Steed's cars - Model Cars
Updates in sections Collectibles  Steed's flats - Steed's Stud, Biography
12 - 12 - 2018
Updates in section Audiobooks
15 - 12 - 2018
New page in section Collectibles
27 - 12 -2018
Updates in section John Steed Collectibles - Action figures and Avengerland