Steed's Stud - Set 2HomeSteed's Stud - First Floor and Study
left: view from the living room to Steed's vandalised study and on the right view from inside the study towards the living room in Dead Men are Dangerous
View from inside the living room towards doors leading to the terrace; on the right Steed in front of the sideboard in the living room opposite the study; the piano is standing left to the sideboard.
Steed keeps a photo of his friend Frank Hardy who got killed in TNA Sleeper. It's an unusual sentimental touch for a man like Steed. Either it's the picture from his dead friends flat or Steed has the same photography.
Left above: Steed standing in the living room view to the entrance hall and the door to the unknown room on the left; middle: View to front door of the house in Obsession; right: front door from the outside in Dead Men are Dangerous
Steed entering the living room in Medium Rare; Purdey sitting at the piano
"Steed's Stud"
Set 3