View towards the stairs leading to the first floor as seen in episode Hostage.
Steed standing with his back towards the Roman relief looking towards the dinning table (left) and toward the second living room with the fireplace and the green Chesterfield furniture.
Steed's Stud - Comparison Sets 1 and 2HomeSteed's Stud - Set 3
Steed and Suzy having dinner in the dining room following Hostage. The large table from the former dining room is gone, but Steed is still using four of the chairs.
Steed at his desk. He's using the small secretary before episode Dead Men are Dangerous, afterwards he had a large desk in his study. The chair is one of the eight chairs from the former dining table.
right: Gambit "taking a nap" on the green carpet after Steed knocked him out in Hostage.

The floor of all rooms is made ​​of light oak parquet.
Steed at the front door of the mansion waiting for a letter from Purdey's kidnappers. The picture frames with the blue passe-partouts appear only once in Hostage.
Sketch Set 2
"Steed's Stud"
Set 2