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Steed's Bentleys - Bentley facts
Steed's Bentleys
How many? John Steed drove five different Bentleys during season 4 - 6 of The Avengers.

First time, last time:
The first time a Bentley appeared in The Master Minds, the last time in Have Guns-Will Haggle (one further appearance in the TNA episode 'K' is for Kill - The Tiger Awakes).

Chassis: Some Bentley chassis were made by Vanden Plas. Vanden Plas delivered over 700 chassis to Bentley.

Colour: The car paint color of all his Bentleys is green, but there are different shades.

Who drives it? Most of the time Steed drove alone in his Bentley, Mrs. Peel is with him in many episodes. Only one woman except Mrs. Peel had a ride with Steed in a Bentley, it's Penny in Dead Man's Treasure. Three men except Steed drove in the Bentley. One is his colleague from Escape in Time who was with Steed as they are trying to find the house where Emma Peel is held prisoner. The second is Stanton in The Winged Avenger and the third is one of the criminals who knocked Steed out in The Forget-Me-Knot; he drove away with his car and the unconsciousness Mrs. Peel.

Damaged: Bentleys got damaged or had accidents several times: The Hour That Never Was, Dead Man's Treasure, Death's Door, The Positive Negative Man, The House That Jack Built, while the Rolls Royce had only one accident when Sally, the young lady from Stay Tuned, scraped her car against his in Fitzherbert street. Steed's car got sabotaged in The Curious Case of the Countless Clues.

No female partner ever drove the Bentleys: Nor Mrs. Peel, either Tara drove a Bentley, while Tara drove his Rolls Royce several times and Steed drove Mrs Peel's Lotus in Two's a Crowd and Tara's Lotus in The Rotters.

Open-Top: Steed drove open-top - even in Winter (Too Many Christmas Trees).

Fashion while driving: Most of the time while driving his Bentley Steed's wearing his bowler, but there're a few exceptions, such as in Return of the Cybernauts and Dead Man's Treasure.

Information about Bentleys can be found on the internet site The Vintage Bentleys