Steed's Stud Set 3HomeFlats
John Steed redecorated his flat within one year quite often.

An example for it is the area of the stairs leading to the first floor of the mansion. The paintings on the right side of the stairs were replaced several times. One can see four different sets of oil paintings or pictures on the right wall.
The first picture is from House of Cards, the second one from Hostage and the third one from Medium Rare, the fourth from Dead Men are Dangerous.

Furthermore, you can see the difference between the three sets. In the left picture, there's a brown door visible at the end of the stairs which has been later replaced by a blue "window." The wallpaper which still can be seen in the left two pictures is gone on set 3, and the handrail of the stairs is white at set 3 instead of the beige.
The photos of Steed's prize-winning horses first stand at a small party wall in House of Cards. Later they can be seen standing on a corner shelf in the dining room in Faces or on a small table left to the mantlepiece in Hostage. They're gone in the third set of Steed's Stud.

The photos of his three former partners disappeared even faster, and they changed the position within one episode. In House of Cards the could be seen first on the small left party wall, later (a few hours or days) they already stood on the right small party wall.
TNA Faces TNA Hostage TNA House of Cards TNA House of Cards
"Steed's Stud"