Injured Steed in THE AVENGERS
How often did Steed get injured during the Avengers?
I don’t count being knocked out or drugged, but “real” injuries?
The most traumatic injury obviously was that from the Berlin incident in the sixties: three bullet wounds and a broken thigh. It happened after August 1961 as he told Purdey that he went over the Wall. Steed felt "like jelly" afterward, but he fought his fears as he had to go over the wall again as soon as he could walk.
List of injuries:
-nasty gash on the hand in Square Root of Evil
-cut or slash wound on his forehead in One for the Mortuary
-his left eyebrow, also a cut: Propellant 23
-chemical burns at his right hand: Mr. Teddy Bear
-burns, also bitten by a dog: Warlock
-cut eyebrow: Man With Two Shadows
-graze shot?: November Five
-burns at right hand: Concerto
-shot in the left shin: The Little Wonders
-black eye: Death At Bargain Prices
-shot (right shoulder): Silent Dust
-injured his left foot in a fox trap: Silent Dust
-injured left leg or left knee after he felt down the stairs: The Joker
-injured shoulder and leg: Split!
-sprained his thumb: Mother reports it in Homicide and Old Lace
-graze shot forehead: Take-Over
-broken right leg: Noon Doomsday
-graze shots (2x): Dead Men Are Dangerous
-bullet wound left shoulder: Dead Men Are Dangerous (flashback scene)
-broken left arm: Trap
-three bullet wounds and a broken thigh from Berlin: Obsession
-bullet wound left arm: K is for Kill 2
Shot on:
TNA Faces - a bullet to the chest, but the agent's life is saved by his best friend's Hunter watch, as the bullet hits the metal.
TNA House of Cards - a bullet to the chest, but saved as the bullet hit a metall shield.
Esprit de Corps: Steed is about to be executed, but the firing Squat uses blanks.
K is for Kill - The Tiger Awakes - a bullet to the heart, but Steed's life is saved by the cigarette box, as the bullet hits it.

Fan Art -
Black Eye
Steed's Biography